Lifestyle Assistant Accessibility and Safety of Premises Checklist

All employees have an obligation to comply with Real Living Options Association Inc. Workplace Health and Safety policies, procedures and instructions to ensure a safe workplace. This means that employees are required to take corrective action to guard against hazards at work, or report those hazards which cannot be immediately corrected.

Employees must conduct regular risk assessments when undertaking their duties. This may be a detailed report such as this one, or by regularly assessing the daily tasks and duties performed to identify any changes between visits.

The following checklist is to be completed by a Lifestyle Assistant delegated by the Service Manager or Support Facilitator of Real Living Options Association Inc. This checklist is additional to the checklist completed by the Support Facilitators when they schedule home visits.

Lifestyle Assistants must always determine the safety of a Service User’s home before commencing duties. Undertake a visual scan of the home immediately on arrival and before using any equipment. Lifestyle Assistants must follow the five-step risk management process which is to be done in collaboration with the person whose home is being inspected (see diagram below).

Please indicate the appropriate response. A “No” answer means that the hazard should be assessed and control measures considered where the assessment indicates it is necessary. An “N/A” answer must include a description of why you have stated this. If a Service User does not want you to do a safety inspection of any rooms in their home please let us know. This safety inspection must be done in consultation with the Service User.

Outside The Residence

Inside The Residence

General - Are the following safe?

Bathroom - Are the following safe?

Kitchen - Are the following safe?

Laundry - Are the following safe?

Bedroom/s - Are the following safe?

By signing this form and submitting it you are confirming that you have checked off the items on this checklist as accurately as possible

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