What can I do to prepare?
You can prepare by:
- Thinking about your life now and into the future.
- Identifying your strengths, interests, networks, opportunities and challenges.
- Considering your current supports including your informal, mainstream and disability supports.
- Collecting your disability information, this may include existing reports and other information to support a NDIS access request.
- Creating words or pictures about your daily life and goals.
Am I Eligible for the NDIS
You can visit the Am I eligible page to complete an NDIS checklist and see if you might be eligible.
If you think you might be eligible and want to apply:
- make a verbal application by calling NDIA on 1800 800 110
- complete an Access Request Form and return it to the NDIA
If you need help to apply you can contact your Local Area Coordinator. In Cairns this is currently Mission Australia
More information
1800 800 110* 8am to 5pm (AEST) Monday to Friday
For people with hearing or speech loss TTY 1800 555 677
Speak and listen 1800 555 727
For people who need help with English TIS 131 450
Twitter @NDIS
Facebook http://facebook.com/NDISAUS
Subscribe to the Queensland NDIS update e-blast www.communities.qld.gov.au/ndis
*1800 calls from fixed lines are free. Calls from mobiles may be charged.