Craig Peach

Support Manager

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Craig Peach, a seasoned professional in the field of disability support, has dedicated his career to making a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals with diverse needs. Born in the United Kingdom, Craig ventured across the globe to Australia in 2007, where he found his calling in the vibrant city of Cairns.

In 2007, Craig joined Real Living Options Association Inc. and his commitment to the cause of empowering individuals with disabilities was evident from the outset. Craig started as a support worker, demonstrating his compassion and dedication to fostering independence and well-being among those he served.

Over the years, Craig’s unwavering commitment and exceptional skills caught the attention of his colleagues and superiors. Through hard work, resilience, and a genuine passion for the cause, he progressively climbed the ranks within the organization. In 2019, Craig achieved the position of Support Manager, a role that allowed him to bring his extensive experience and innovative ideas to the forefront of the organisation’s operations.

Before his move to Australia, Craig had already accumulated 11 years of experience in the disability sector in the UK. His diverse background equipped him with a deep understanding of the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities and the strategies required to address their unique needs effectively.

Craig’s journey is not just about professional success; it is a testament to his commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of those he serves. His leadership at Real Living Options Association Inc. has undoubtedly contributed to the organisation’s mission of providing holistic and person-centered support to individuals with disabilities.

Beyond the workplace, Craig is an advocate for inclusivity and accessibility, championing the rights of individuals with disabilities in the broader community. His journey from a support worker to a Support Manager reflects not only his professional growth but also his dedication to creating a more inclusive and supportive society for all.