The Service

Mission Statement

Real Living Options Association Inc. is a family governed organisation
which values and respects the rights, responsibilities
and aspirations of people with a disability,
while promoting maximum participation and inclusion in the community
with a focus on living a life with choice.



The Service

(For the purposes of this document the words “people who use the Service” and “Users of the Service” can also mean the Representative or Nominee appointed by the person receiving a Service).

  • Real Living Options Association Inc. is a community based organisation administered by a Management Committee. As Real Living Options Association Inc. is a family driven service ideally the Management Committee would consist of a majority of parents/family members of people using the service or their advocates.
  • The Service provides support on an individual basis to assist the people who use the service to lead an ordinary life within the community.
  • This support is negotiated between the people who use the Service and where applicable, their Representative/Nominee and the Service. The support is focused on individual needs and available funds.
  • The person using the Service and/or their Representative/Nominee may have full involvement in the selection of Lifestyle Assistants if they so desire.
  • Support hours will be determined by the person’s needs, available funding and finances.
  • Lifestyle Assistants will be employed on a casual basis to allow all concerned to determine real needs, maintain flexibility and establish compatibility of people involved. These factors will be reviewed on a regular basis.
  • While a staff member may support only one person at any one time, the person being supported may wish to attend an event with a friend. This would be quite a different situation from the Service wishing to combine the needs of two people to attend an event for the convenience of the Service. This latter situation would be contrary to the philosophy of the Service.
  • Ongoing monitoring and evaluation will be performed on an individual level, thus ensuring that the person using the Service and/or their Representative/Nominee are involved in the planning of the service and that the Service will be flexible enough to meet their needs.




The Service is a family governed organisation assisting people with a disability to live in their own home within the community with a lifestyle of their choice that reflects the conditions of everyday life valued by the community.

Real Living Options Association Inc. will follow the following objectives:


  • To provide a service which values all individuals and recognises the inherent rights of individuality, dignity and respect as specified in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(1948) the National Disability Insurance Act 2013, the Queensland Disability Services Act 2006 and the Queensland Public Health Act 2005.
  • To provide needs-based individualised support to people with a disability meeting the eligibility criteria of the Organisation and assisting them to lead a life with choice.
  • To provide a flexible service responsive to the changing needs of individual people who use the service.
  • To provide access to opportunities in the community that positively contribute to the individual’s life.
  • To provide an avenue by which mutually beneficial connections can be made between people.


Our Strategic Plan


Real Living Options Association Inc. 2025-2028 Strategic Plan

Contact Us

Phone: 07 4035 5886

Email: click to email

Address: Shop 1, Showground Shopping Centre, 157 Mulgrave Road, Bungalow Qld 4870

News and Updates

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2024 Christmas Donations

This year the team at Real Living Options chose Ruth's Women's Shelter and the Cairns RSPCA as the charities we would...

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Cairns Disability Expo

Come and say hi to us at the 2024 Cairns Disability Expo being held at The Pier from 9am to 5pm on Tuesday 27th August...